Regional Forum on Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership in Transboundary Water Governance in the Lower Mekong Basin

Regional Forum on Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership in Transboundary Water Governance in the Lower Mekong Basin

Oxfam Inclusion Project and IUCN BRIDGE programme in collaboration with the Lao Women’s Union and with the support of the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), organised a Regional Forum on Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership in Transboundary Water Governance in the Lower Mekong Basin from 13 – 15 September 2017, in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
80 participants (approximately 50 women) from government, civil society organisations, private sector and academia in the Mekong countries attended the three days forum in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
The forum provided spaces for experience sharing and capacity building on gender issues and to create an enabling environment and build partnerships for mainstreaming gender issues in water governance policy and practice.
The three days forum started with an opening reception including a panel discussion, and a performance by a youth group from Lao PDR, highlighting gender issues in water governance. Day 2 of the forum provided spaces for sharing leanings from individual organisations and identified opportunities for mainstreaming gender in water governance in the LMB. Day 3 was dedicated to the identification of the shared vision and concerted actions that Oxfam, IUCN and partners organisations can together undertake in the coming years for better impact.
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