Many dams have been constructed in Quang Nam and the first part of this project concentrated on the people who were re-settled in different areas due to the building of the dams and also people living downstream of the dams.

The second part of the project worked with the communities in Quang Binh where there are no built dams yet, but some dams are in the planning stage, so the work there concentrated on people who will be at risk in the future.

Initially, CSRD met with the groups of affected people to raise their awareness of the value of the river to their lives and changes due to the dam building. They were also advised of their rights and how there was legislation and laws to protect them. The people were taught a methodology and the skills to do their own research into the effects of the dam.  CSRD then organised and mediated a dialogue with investors/dam builders, provincial and district authorities.

Following this in July 2014, a photo-voice exhibition with over 138 photos that were taken by community members. The photos told the community story on how their lives were affected by the dams. The exhibition was held in Tu Tuong Park in Hue City. The event obtained wide media coverage to spread this important message.

The work to date has developed a network of communities in central Vietnam who now understand the issues that affect them and that they have a voice and can influence the outcomes of planned dams.

CSRD gave community members a camera to record their lives and experiences and what was important to them.  Future work will focus on bringing the knowledge learnt and the network links to the Daklak, Daknong Central Highlands provinces.

Donor: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) and Oxfam (Hong Kong)
Project Date2014
Location: Quang Binh and Quang Nam Province, Thua Thien Hue